我正在尝试使用 XML 文件和 SqlBulkCopy 插入数据。目标表是一个时间序列表,设置如下
create table TimeSeries (
Id uniqueidentifier constraint DF_TimeSeries_Id default (newid()) not null,
ObjectId uniqueidentifier not null,
[Date] datetime not null,
Value float(53) not null,
[Type] varchar (4) not null,
[Source] varchar (4) not null,
LastUpdate datetime constraint DF_TimeSeries_LastUpdate default (getdate()) not null,
TypeIndex smallint constraint DF_TimeSeries_TypeIndex default (0) not null,
constraint PK_TimeSeries primary key clustered ([Date] asc, ObjectId asc, [Type] asc, [Source] asc, TypeIndex asc) with (fillfactor = 80)
create nonclustered index [IX_TimeSeries_ObjectId_Type_Date_Source]
on TimeSeries(ObjectId asc, [Type] asc, [Date] asc, [Source] asc)
include(Value) with (fillfactor = 80);
create nonclustered index [IX_TimeSeries_ObjectId_Date]
on TimeSeries(ObjectId asc, [Date] asc)
include(Value) with (fillfactor = 80);
create table Beacons
BeaconId uniqueidentifier not null default newid(),
[Description] varchar(50) not null,
LocationX float not null,
LocationY float not null,
Altitude float not null
constraint PK_Beacons primary key clustered (BeaconId)
create index IX_Beacons on Beacons (BeaconId)
create table SnowGauges
SnowGaugeId uniqueidentifier not null default newid(),
[Description] varchar(50) not null
constraint PK_SnowGauges primary key clustered (SnowGaugeId)
create index IX_SnowGauges on SnowGauges (SnowGaugeId)
insert into Beacons ([Description], LocationX, LocationY, Altitude)
values ('Dunkery', 51.162, -3.586, 519), ('Prestwich', 53.527, -2.279, 76)
insert into SnowGauges ([Description]) values ('Val d''Isère')
select * from Beacons
select * from SnowGauges
如您所见,我想在 TimeSeries 中存储任何类型的时间序列。这可以是温度、压力、生物数据等……无论如何,我可以通过唯一标识符、来源和类型来识别时间序列。ObjectId 中没有设置外键,因为这个唯一标识符可以引用任何表。
在这个脚本的最后,我插入了 2 个信标和一个雪规,我想填充它们的时间序列。执行此操作的 XML 文件具有以下格式:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 07:00:00" Value="9.2" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 10:00:00" Value="8.8" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 13:00:00" Value="8.7" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 07:00:00" Value="1" Source = "Met Office" Type = "UV"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 10:00:00" Value="3" Source = "Met Office" Type = "UV"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="186CA33E-AC1C-4220-81DE-C7CD32F40C1A" Date="09/06/2013 13:00:00" Value="5" Source = "Met Office" Type = "UV"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="AFB81E51-18B0-4696-9C2F-E6E9EEC1B647" Date="09/06/2013 07:00:00" Value="5.8" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="AFB81E51-18B0-4696-9C2F-E6E9EEC1B647" Date="09/06/2013 10:00:00" Value="6.3" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="AFB81E51-18B0-4696-9C2F-E6E9EEC1B647" Date="09/06/2013 13:00:00" Value="6.5" Source = "Met Office" Type = "Temperature"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="50E52A2B-D719-4341-A451-110D0874D26D" Date="07/06/2013 00:00:00" Value="80.5" Source = "Meteo France" Type = "SnowMeter"/>
<TimeSeries ObjectId="50E52A2B-D719-4341-A451-110D0874D26D" Date="08/06/2013 00:00:00" Value="80.5" Source = "Meteo France" Type = "SnowMeter"/>
如果您运行第一个脚本,您可能会有不同的 ObjectId,并且必须在 XML 文件中更新它们。所以从那里开始,一切都应该是直截了当的,一个简单的 C# 程序应该可以完成插入数据的工作。现在让我们看一下 C# 代码:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace XMLBulkInsert
class Program
const string XMLFILE_PATH = @"C:\Workspaces\Ws1\R\TimeSeries\TimeSeries.xml";
const string CONNECTION_STRING = @"Server=RISK1;Database=DevStat;Trusted_Connection=True;";
static void Main(string[] args)
StreamReader xmlFile = new StreamReader(XMLFILE_PATH);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Console.Write("Read file... ");
DataTable sourceData = ds.Tables[0];
Console.WriteLine("Done !");
using (SqlConnection sourceConnection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sourceConnection.ConnectionString))
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ObjectId", "ObjectId");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Date", "Date");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Value", "Value");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Source", "Source");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Type", "Type");
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "TimeSeries";
Console.Write("Insert data... ");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Insertion completed, please Press Enter...");
运行此程序返回此异常:“来自数据源的 String 类型的给定值无法转换为指定目标列的类型 uniqueidentifier。”。当我设置映射以强制列成为唯一标识符时,似乎没有办法。我什至尝试插入此代码ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].DataType = typeof(Guid);
但没有成功,一旦表中有行数据,.Net 就无法更改列的类型。
我对 SQlBulkCopy 有很高的例外,但现在我觉得有点卡住了。我有数以百万计的 XML 格式的数据,由于这个唯一标识符,我无法插入其中的任何一个。