我正在使用 asp.net 中的在线测试应用程序,并且在将检查的答案状态保存回数据库时遇到了麻烦,即,一旦我单击我的 aspx 页面中的下一步按钮,这 2 件事就会发生
1)它应该捕获当前选中的选项,并将该特定选项的值作为 true 添加到我的数据库 IS_Marked 列中。
我的 aspx 有 4 个复选框
protected void BtnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (qid == maxid)//检查当前que id是否等于DB中的last que id
BtnNext.Enabled = false; //if its last que then next button is disabled
BtnPrevious.Enabled = true; // if not last question next button is enabled
QuestionSet q = new QuestionSet(); //Question set is an entity to hold que text and options list
StudentB b = new StudentB(); //object of my business class
q = b.GetQuestion(1, 1, qid, 'N', 0);//passing student id, test id, question id, action taken, i.e button clicked(prev, next, last, first) and selected question(i.e any question that is present)
qid = Convert.ToInt32(q.Question_Id);
LblQStn.Text = q.Question_Text;
CheckBox1.Text = q.Options[0].Option_Text;//talking to business and model layer and getting que and ans from database and giving to checkboxes
CheckBox2.Text = q.Options[1].Option_Text;
CheckBox3.Text = q.Options[2].Option_Text;
CheckBox4.Text = q.Options[3].Option_Text;