I am working on ASP.NET MVC3 application. In my razor view I use @HTML.ActionLink to implement delete functionality for my custom image gallery. However when I show enlarged image I want to hide this link, and when the user clicks it back to thumb size I want to show the link again.

Here is my razor code:

<span class="document-image-frame">
        @if (image != null)
            <img src="file:\\\upload\@image.Name" alt="docImg" style="cursor: pointer;" />
            @Html.ActionLink("Изтрий", "DeletePicture", new { documentImageID = image.Id }, new { @class = "delete" })

Then my jQuery script:

$('.document-image-frame img').click(function () {

This part - $(this).parent().toggleClass("document-image-frame"); is working fine but I don't know how to access the actionlink in order to show-hide it.


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$(this).parent().find("a.delete").show(); // or .hide()


于 2013-06-10T11:00:47.360 回答