I have two Arraylists, which should be sort descending due to the values in the second Arraylist(which is type double). Basically the values of the first Arraylist are not regarded, but the elements in the first Arraylist map to the ones in the second one, so both Arrays should get sortet due to the values in Arraylist2. (I hope this is more or less clear)
Somehow when I print out the values of Arraylist2 (with the double values) after beeing sorted they are totally not sorted, but have a different sequence than before sorting. I also wrote some debug system.outs, which shows me the algoritm is running, but I have no idea, why it won`t sort correctly, I hope somebody can see where the problem is.
Call + Outputcode:
String str = "";
// DEBUG //
for(int k = 0; k < test.size(); k++) {
str += " " + test.get(k);
sort(items, test, 0 ,(test.size() -1));
String str2 = "";
for(int k = 0; k < test.size(); k++) {
str2 += " " + test.get(k);
// DEBUG //
Quicksort algoritm:
public void sort(ArrayList<Item> items, ArrayList<Double> nutzen, int l, int r) {
if(l < r) {
double pivot = nutzen.get(r);
int p = partition(items, nutzen, l, r, pivot);
sort(items, nutzen, l, p-1);
sort(items, nutzen, p+1, r);
private int partition(ArrayList<Item> items, ArrayList<Double> nutzen, int l, int r, double pivot) {
int i = l;
int j = r-1;
do {
do {
i = i + 1;
} while(i < r && nutzen.get(i) > pivot);
do {
j = j - 1;
} while(j > l && nutzen.get(i) < l);
if(i < j) {
// Tausche Daten
double tmp = nutzen.get(i);
Item tmp2 = items.get(i);
nutzen.set(i, nutzen.get(j));
nutzen.set(j, tmp);
items.set(i, items.get(j));
items.set(j, tmp2);
} while(i < j);
if (nutzen.get(i) > pivot) {
double tmp = nutzen.get(i);
Item tmp2 = items.get(i);
nutzen.set(i, nutzen.get(r));
nutzen.set(r, tmp);
items.set(i, items.get(r));
items.set(r, tmp2);
return i;
Sample Output: (first is the unsorted Arraylist, second the sorted one)
0.22540250447227192 0.5289855072463768 0.3245742092457421 0.35105028644175684 0.3773755656108597 0.2041172365666434 0.4091826437941473 0.33037437282902354 0.4383735705209657 0.28473648186173856 0.3422330097087379 0.25703446095478977 0.3373493975903614 0.2701873935264055 0.3221397891448653 0.34912891986062716 0.3018603018603019 0.31361550229474755 0.35785288270377735 0.27435456110154904 0.22781065088757396 0.27684563758389263 0.21881770349736923 0.4226451927769644 0.24628854206318995 0.3256219991270188 0.3844096293465801 0.3178254051228437 0.398093508851566 0.3544702638834187 0.20851528384279475 0.4041025641025641 0.21713772992373262 0.26014028667276606 0.3591307662981319 0.23153252480705622 0.27023319615912206 0.24333719582850522 0.29892573563755254 0.31568998109640833 0.27108784176847006 0.34125412541254124 0.279090113735783 0.3737704918032787 0.3326703132769766 0.22776967930029154 0.22143195827406353 0.27614293221229635 0.22866611433305717 0.533879374534624 0.28534031413612565 0.20782003213711836 0.21262837580829214 0.2137904468412943 0.2898398529797847 0.24622641509433962 0.3927108927108927 0.26053042121684866 0.3005334914048607 0.23183297180043383 0.24539571926331508 0.3479899497487437 0.4193054136874362 0.31155589123867067 0.31771595900439237 0.3897529734675206 0.3561643835616438 0.31221719457013575 0.477299880525687 0.2683881064162754 0.30484160191273163 0.20526154787396758 0.2362366474938373 0.3485633537447009 0.24390243902439024 0.2618308766485648 0.382782475019216 0.23864915572232645 0.466403162055336 0.31514030218933087 0.3074433656957929 0.3438485804416404 0.28774928774928776 0.29548816568047337 0.34277286135693213 0.5334967320261438 0.32756539235412474 0.2945334590009425 0.20973389355742297 0.25292242295430395 0.2336989640463132 0.328060522696011 0.4326647564469914 0.30530226274907124 0.3326499231163506 0.3077194219245682 0.2322235922729141 0.25569544364508395 0.3788049605411499 0.2476489028213166
0.22540250447227192 0.5289855072463768 0.466403162055336 0.4383735705209657 0.3897529734675206 0.4193054136874362 0.4226451927769644 0.29548816568047337 0.3479899497487437 0.3438485804416404 0.477299880525687 0.3561643835616438 0.4041025641025641 0.3326703132769766 0.3844096293465801 0.4091826437941473 0.34277286135693213 0.398093508851566 0.3485633537447009 0.3927108927108927 0.4326647564469914 0.3005334914048607 0.28534031413612565 0.31155589123867067 0.31771595900439237 0.31221719457013575 0.30484160191273163 0.3074433656957929 0.31514030218933087 0.5334967320261438 0.32756539235412474 0.2898398529797847 0.25292242295430395 0.28774928774928776 0.533879374534624 0.2945334590009425 0.20973389355742297 0.27614293221229635 0.26053042121684866 0.2683881064162754 0.3737704918032787 0.279090113735783 0.34125412541254124 0.27108784176847006 0.31568998109640833 0.29892573563755254 0.2336989640463132 0.27023319615912206 0.328060522696011 0.3591307662981319 0.26014028667276606 0.30530226274907124 0.3544702638834187 0.3178254051228437 0.3256219991270188 0.3326499231163506 0.3077194219245682 0.27684563758389263 0.2322235922729141 0.27435456110154904 0.35785288270377735 0.31361550229474755 0.3018603018603019 0.34912891986062716 0.3221397891448653 0.2701873935264055 0.3373493975903614 0.25703446095478977 0.3422330097087379 0.28473648186173856 0.33037437282902354 0.25569544364508395 0.3773755656108597 0.35105028644175684 0.3245742092457421 0.2618308766485648 0.382782475019216 0.23864915572232645 0.24390243902439024 0.2362366474938373 0.20526154787396758 0.24539571926331508 0.23183297180043383 0.24622641509433962 0.2137904468412943 0.21262837580829214 0.20782003213711836 0.22866611433305717 0.22143195827406353 0.22776967930029154 0.24333719582850522 0.23153252480705622 0.21713772992373262 0.20851528384279475 0.24628854206318995 0.21881770349736923 0.22781065088757396 0.2041172365666434 0.3788049605411499 0.2476489028213166