我正在创建一个简单的井字游戏,并且我有一个事件处理程序可以触发代码中的许多函数。问题是,当游戏结束时,我想禁用该事件处理程序,以便游戏可以结束并且用户无法与之交互。我已经调查过了,解绑/绑定、开/关/道具/属性归零不起作用。当满足条件时,还有其他方法可以禁用此事件处理程序吗?我想禁用 .one('click') 处理程序而不是开始父处理程序。
//Creates the variables needed to be manipulated later
$(document).ready(function () {
var X = 'X';
var O = 'O';
var currentPlayer;
var turnCount = 0;
var xMoves = [];
var oMoves = [];
var cellTracker;
var winAlert;
var winConditions = [
['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
['c4', 'c5', 'c6'],
['c7', 'c8', 'c9'],
['c1', 'c4', 'c7'],
['c2', 'c5', 'c8'],
['c3', 'c6', 'c9'],
['c1', 'c5', 'c9'],
['c3', 'c5', 'c7']
/*Set's the current player to X if turnCount is odd
And to O if turnCount is even*/
var setCurrentPlayer = function () {
if (turnCount % 2 === 0) {
currentPlayer = O;
} else {
currentPlayer = X;
//Pushes cellTracker's value to the curent player's move variable
var storeMoves = function () {
if (currentPlayer === X) {
} else if (currentPlayer === O) {
//Compares players moves with the winConditions to determine a winner
var determineWin = function (pMoves) {
for (var i = 0; i < winConditions.length; i++) {
if (winConditions[i].length > pMoves.length) {
for (var j = 0; j < winConditions[i].length; j++) {
winAlert = false;
for (var k = 0; k < pMoves.length; k++) {
if (pMoves[k] === winConditions[i][j]) {
winAlert = true;
if (!winAlert) break;
if (winAlert) {
alert(currentPlayer + " wins!");
/*Place's an X or an O when a cell is clicked depending
on the current player, and updates the turnCount*/
$('td').one('click', function () {
turnCount += 1;
cellTracker = $(this).attr('id');
determineWin(currentPlayer == 'X' ? xMoves : oMoves);
if (turnCount === 9 && winAlert === false) {
alert("Tie game!");
console.log(turnCount, xMoves, oMoves, winAlert);