I'm using UserVoice for our site and when someone clicks on some button in my page, I want to pop up a UserVoice dialog, which is already embedded in my site. I know I can do it with the UserVoice.showPopupWidget(); function.

The problem is that I want to prefill some value into this dialog such as email, title, content... But I can't figure out how to do this. I read the UserVoice code and see that the Widget object might do this, but I can't access this object.

Can anyone here please help me solve this problem?


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您可以在此处找到有关将信息传递到小部件的信息:http: //feedback.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/225-pass-custom-data-through-the-widget-and-into-the-h



于 2013-06-15T00:45:07.440 回答