If I have the following:
<img src="filler.jpg" class="imgClass" delays="otherImage.jpg" delayw="400" delayw="600" delayt="Loaded">
<img src="filler.jpg" class="imgClass" delays="otherImage2.jpg" delayw="450" delayw="600" delayt="Loaded 2">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("delays"));
$(this).attr("width", $(this).attr("delayw"));
$(this).attr("height", $(this).attr("delayh"));
$(this).attr("title", $(this).attr("delayt"));
Is there a way I can have the width, height and title attributes only change after the src attribute has finished changing? With the above code they seem to all change at the same time. In a perfect world I'd like them to happen one at a time. At a minimum I'd like the src to change then the other three to change right after that since the src changes takes a slight bit of time.