嗨,我正在努力研究如何让星星的这些精灵动画在 Firefox 中正常工作,目前它似乎在 Chrome 和 Safari 中运行良好。

var chips = true;
function star(item) {
var pos = ['0px 0','-35px 0','-70px 0','-105px 0','-140px 0', '-175px 0', '-210px 0', '-245px 0', '-280px 0', '-315px 0', '-350px 0', '-385px 0','-385px 0','-350px 0', '-315px 0','-280px 0','-245px 0','-210px 0', '-175px 0','-140px 0','-105px 0','-70px 0','-35px 0','0px 0' ];
var i = 0;
function animate() {
var a=0;
if (i<24) {
else {

function fade() {
if (chips) {
chips = false;
else {

setTimeout (star('.star1'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star2'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star3'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star4'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star5'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star6'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star7'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star8'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star9'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star10'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star11'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star12'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star13'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star14'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star15'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star16'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star17'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star18'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star19'),20);
setTimeout (star('.star20'),20);




1 回答 1


Looking at your code in FireFox using FireBug, I found the following error.

Error: useless setTimeout call (missing quotes around argument?)
[Break On This Error]   
setTimeout (star('.star1'),20);
comic.html (line 74)

So your javascript does change the first star but not the others. I did some digging on the "setTimeout" function and found a related issue. In the link ignore all but the third one down and start from there. What I did was wrap your star function around an anonymous function like so. Starting at line 74...

setTimeout (function () {star('.star1')},20);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star2')},21);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star3')},22);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star4')},23);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star5')},24);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star6')},25);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star7')},26);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star8')},27);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star9')},28);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star10')},29);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star11')},30);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star12')},31);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star13')},32);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star14')},33);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star15')},34);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star16')},35);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star17')},36);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star18')},37);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star19')},38);
setTimeout (function () {star('.star20')},39);

And now everything should work in FireFox. As for the reason why, I believe it is just a small difference in how "setTimeout"'s parameter is defined in FireFox that is the cause for the issue.

于 2013-07-10T06:20:44.273 回答