您使用哪个扩展来启用 dialog2 中的 iframe。我在以下位置找到了一个(或一些代码):Setting iframe width via Javascript。我发现:https ://github.com/yorch/jquery-bootstrap-scripting/blob/master/lib/jquery.dialog2.iframe.js使用其中一些代码,我可以在页面加载时打开带有 iframe 的模式,请参阅:http://plnkr.co/kBad2fnPWsxOWvhhfYNu
<button id="framedialog" href="http://www.streetart.nl/">Open</button>
此按钮包含要在 iframe 中的 href 属性中加载的 url。
加载 iframe,隐藏按钮并单击打开对话框:
* jQuery Dialog2 IFrame
* Licensed under the MIT license
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* @version: 0.0.1 (09/06/2013)
* @requires jQuery >= 1.4
* @requires jQuery.dialog2 plugin >= 1.1
* @modified by Bass Jobsen (bass@w3masters.nl)
* @original author Jorge Barnaby (jorge.barnaby {at} gmail.com)
(function ($) {
* Shows a web page (using iframe) in a jQuery dialog2 (Bootstrap style).
$.fn.dialog2IFrame = function (options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.dialog2IFrame.defaults, options);
$(this).click(function (e) {
var idDialogOuter = "dialog-iframe-outer";
var $dialogOuter = $('#' + idDialogOuter).length ?
$('#' + idDialogOuter) :
$('<div id="' + idDialogOuter + '"></div>').hide().appendTo(document.body);
var $dialogFrame = $('iframe', $dialogOuter).length ?
$('iframe', dialogOuter) :
$('<iframe frameborder="0" />').appendTo($dialogOuter);
// Adds URL to iframe src
$dialogFrame.attr('src', $(this).attr('href'));
$dialogOuter.css('overflow', 'hidden').css('padding', '0').css('margin', '0');
autoOpen: true,
closeOnOverlayClick: options.closeOnOverlayClick,
closeOnEscape: options.closeOnEscape,
removeOnClose: true,
showCloseHandle: options.showCloseHandle,
initialLoadText: "Loading..."
var $dialog = $dialogOuter.parent();
// Removes footer if empty
$footer = $dialog.find('.modal-footer');
if ($footer.text().length == 0) {
// Sets the iframe width and height to the same as the modal (must be done at the end)
$.fn.dialog2IFrame.defaults = {
height: "900",
additionalClass: "",
// Appends &iframe=true to URL opened on IFrame
appendParamUrl: false,
// Reloads main page when modal is closed
reloadOnClose: false,
closeOnOverlayClick: false,
closeOnEscape: false,
showCloseHandle: false,
close: function () {
return true;