I have a fully working engine that is using SDL and OpenGL. I have a textured box on my OpenGL/SDL screen - however when I try to change the video mode (e.g. toggle fullscreen with F11) the texturing is lost (the box is just plain white), if I toggle back to windowed mode the box is still white (with the textured image lost). Does this mean I cannot change my video mode in the middle of the application (e.g. toggle fullscreen) or does it mean I have to reload my OGL textures every time I do so?
Some extra notes: I am using CodeBlocks with MinGW on windows 7, the libraries I have linked are: SOIL (a library for easily loading textures in OGL - http://www.lonesock.net/soil.html), OpenGL32, Glu32 and SDL.
I have some images to demonstrate my problem (the first one is windowed mode and the second one is when I try to change to fullscreen with a call to SDL_SetVideoMode(...) - SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen doesn't work.