Suppose I define a record called Node: (defrecord Node [tag attributes children]).

After this definition, according to the docstring of defrecord a factory function called ->Node is defined, as well as another factory function map->Node and a Java class constructor Node..

I'm wondering what exactly the difference is between the positional factory function ->Node and the constructor Node., apart from the normal differences between a Java class constructor / method on the one hand and a clojure function on the other (by normal differences I'm thinking things like the fact that functions are first-class in Clojure while methods are not).


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位置工厂只是直接调用构造函数。除此之外唯一有趣的是,对于具有大量字段(即超过 20,这是 Clojure 函数可以接受的位置参数的最大数量)的记录/类型,构造函数调用稍微复杂一些(因为您必须解压缩来自 rest-args seq 的一些参数);位置工厂由发出defrecorddeftype正确处理,此外检查是否提供了正确数量的参数,如果没有则抛出适当的异常。

这记录在私有函数的文档字符串中clojure.core/build-positional-factory(doc clojure.core/build-positional-factory)在 REPL 上说要阅读它,或者(source clojure.core/build-positional-factory)查看源代码。


;; positional factory for a type with up to 20 fields
(defn ->Foo
  "Construct a Foo."
  [x y z]
  (new Foo x y z))

;; positional factory for a type with many fields
(defn ->Bar
  "Construct a Bar."
  [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t & overage]
  (if (= (count overage) 2)
    (new Bar a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
             (nth overage 0) (nth overage 1))
      (+ 20 (count overage)) (name '->Bar))))))


不确定这是否属于“正常差异”的范畴,所以我会明确提及:deftype/defrecord引入的类可能具有原始类型的字段,在这种情况下,构造函数的相应参数也将是原始类型。然而,从 Clojure 1.5.1 开始,位置工厂总是接受所有Object参数,即使在技术上它们可以被声明为原始接受函数(也就是说,如果所涉及的原始类型是long和/或double并且最多有四个位置工厂参数)。

于 2013-06-09T00:58:27.297 回答


于 2013-06-09T02:47:41.253 回答