我正在开发一个 MVC 应用程序,并尝试在其中创建一个单元测试。


        public void Company_Details2()
            Company oCompany = new Company();
            var result = oCompanyController.Details(97) as ViewResult;
            var Comp = (Company)result.ViewData.Model;
            Assert.AreEqual("TName", Comp.Name);



public ViewResult Details(int id)
    Company company = db.Companies.Find(id);
    return View(company);





2 回答 2


There are many places where a NRE could occur in your code. For example the db variable that is used in your controller action might be null. Make sure that it is initialized. Also in your unit test you have the following call var Comp = (Company)result.ViewData.Model;. This could be null if there's no Company with id = 97 in your database. And then you attempt to compare the name Assert.AreEqual("TName", Comp.Name);. But if Comp is null this will throw an exception. Also in your unit test you are using some oCompanyController variable which is unclear where it got initialized.

The correct way to unit test some code is to unit test it in isolation. This means that your code should be written with abstractions in mind. It should not depend on actual implementations. It is unclear what the db variable is in your controller but it should be of some interface type (or abstract class) that you could mock in your unit test. This way you will achieve unit testing in isolation of the different layers. In this example you are unit testing a controller action, so the code in this controller should not depend on concrete classes.

Let's have an example of how your controller code might look like:

public class CompaniesController: Controller
    public readonly ICompaniesRepository repository;
    public CompaniesController(ICompaniesRepository repository)
        this.repository = repository;

    public ViewResult Details(int id)
        Company company = this.repository.GetCompanyById(id);
        return View(company);

Now you could use a mocking framework such as Moq, NSubstitute or Rhino.Mocks to mock the repository in your unit test and be able to define expectations. For example with NSubstitute:

public void Company_Details2()
    // arrange
    var repository = Substitute.For<ICompaniesRepository>();
    var id = 97;
    var company = new Company();
    var sut = new CompaniesController(repository);

    // act
    var actual = sut.Details(id);

    // assert
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(ViewResult));
    var viewResult = (ViewResult)actual;
    Assert.AreEqual(company, viewResult.Model);

于 2013-06-08T10:30:07.633 回答

正如其他人所表明的那样,对接口进行编码是一种很好的做法。Moq 是一个框架,可帮助您对所需函数进行虚假调用,并且非常易于学习。现在我假设你正在打电话IRepository.Detials(),所以现在,

 // This will create a fake/mock for your interface so that you can still call func. 
 // but not actual one.
  Mock<IRepository> mockedRepository= new Mock<IRepository>();

 // Here, we are making fake call but still Returns will give us the output.
  mockedRepository.SetUp(x=>x.Details()).Returns(Company Object);
  var result=controller.Action() as ViewResult;
  // Assert

有些人可能会争辩说,但我没有测试 Details 方法,因为你将编写另一个单元测试等等。

于 2013-08-15T12:02:43.283 回答