If I have a JSON view that looks like this for a user object in my API:
"id": 1,
"posts": [
{ "id": 102 },
{ "id": 101 },
{ "id": 100 }
There are never more than three items in the posts array, it is supposed to represent the three most recent. However, if more posts, like { "id": 99 }
have already been downloaded, RestKit will assume that they no longer exist and that only the three posts in the array on the user view are still around.
How can I make RestKit merge the newly-loaded posts with the currently loaded posts, rather than just deleting older ones to make room for the new?
I'm also open to changing my JSON if there's a better way to do this.
These are my mappings:
RKEntityMapping *userMapping = [RKEntityMapping mappingForEntityForName:@"User" inManagedObjectStore:managedObjectStore];
[userMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{
@"avatar_url": @"avatarURL",
@"id": @"userID",
@"first_name": @"firstName",
@"last_name": @"lastName",
@"username": @"username",
@"followed": @"followed"
userMapping.identificationAttributes = @[@"userID"];
RKEntityMapping *postMapping = [RKEntityMapping mappingForEntityForName:@"Post" inManagedObjectStore:managedObjectStore];
[postMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{
@"id": @"postID",
@"content_url": @"contentURL",
@"created_at": @"createdAt"
postMapping.identificationAttributes = @[@"postID"];
[userMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:@"posts" toKeyPath:@"posts" withMapping:postMapping]];
[postMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:@"creator" toKeyPath:@"creator" withMapping:userMapping]];
[postMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:@"replies" toKeyPath:@"replies" withMapping:postMapping]];
[postMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:@"reply_to" toKeyPath:@"replyTo" withMapping:postMapping]];