I'm designing a responsive web app, and I'd like to encapsulate long text in the title with an ellipsis. How can I do this? It's a responsive page (no fixed-width)...

Here is an example

Example of what I'd like to achieve

Can anyone help?


I added a max-width and an ellipsis overflow like this:

max-width: 200px;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

But this won't work for me because the key here is responsiveness. I don't to target the max-width of the title specifically for iOS mobile browsers, I want the max-width to enlarge or reduce on all smart phones. Any suggestions?


1 回答 1


谁知道你可以直接用 CSS 处理这个?我很惊讶,但检查了text-overflow财产。可能的值之一是ellipsishttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-overflow

见小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/PdRqB/


.title {
    width: 100px; /* Need to specify a width (can be any unit). overflow: hidden does nothing unless the width of .title is less than the width of the containing content */
    overflow: hidden; /* to hide anything that doesn't fit in the containing element. */
    white-space: nowrap; /* to make sure the line doesn't break when it is longer than the containing div. */
    text-overflow: ellipsis; /* to do what you want. */



刚刚看到您的更新...您的包含元素的宽度可以设置为百分比,甚至 100%。然后,overflow: hiddenwhite-space: nowrap可以对子标题元素施展魔法了。

于 2013-06-08T04:26:38.383 回答