I will upgrade the JRE of my clients workstations from JRE6 to JRE7. They will need to access a server application that exposes a website written with Smart GWT. There is no planned upgrade on the server side.

Should I worry about any impact on the client side for using my Smart GWT application?

Edit: my guess is that GWT runs java script, which is handled by the browser and not the JRE, so there is no impact. But I'd like to find some source references for it...


1 回答 1


如果您不在这些机器上开发应用程序,而只是“使用它”,那么它们甚至不需要安装 JRE。

正如您所猜到的,最终,提供给浏览器的一切都是 javascript、媒体,仅此而已;与(特定的)JRE 无关。至少从 GWT 的角度来看:如果您使用一些可以通过您的应用程序影响您的客户端的 Java 技术(小程序?),那么,这是另一回事。


于 2013-06-07T22:07:47.463 回答