There are lots of website themes that have a slideshow or image frame that is styled to look like it's a device such as a mobile screen or tablet screen or computer monitor. Please see below:

This is an example image of pictures in a device screen

I have spent the last 4 hours looking for some code or an open source plugin that would enable me to show images this way. All I have found in 4 hours is yootheme and hostmoog that both charge for the plugin.

How does everyone else get these device style frames around images please? Do I need graphics software?

This question should help others too. I've spent ages searching under every conceivable combination.

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2



The part of the background that appears above the top of the screen image
The part that appears below the bottom of the screen image
The part that appears to the left of the image between the top and bottom
The part that appears to the right of the image between the top and bottom.

然后,创建三个<div>s。将顶部和底部的部分放在<div>s 1 和 3 中,并将 2nd 分成三个较小<div>的 s。在左右子中渲染左右部分<div>,最后在中间部分渲染幻灯片。

于 2013-06-07T18:03:13.660 回答




于 2013-06-07T18:22:47.840 回答