I have tried the tutorial here: Vim/Cscope tutorial. After changing the @'s in the cscope_maps.vim file to SPACE I got Ctrl-SPACE s to launch cscope in gVim. However, it takes over the whole window rather than splitting the window for the cscope info.

I then tried as suggested in the comments to the cscope_maps.vim file changing nmap <C-SPACE>s :scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> to nmap <C-SPACE>s <C-W><C-S> :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> because it appears that my gVim does nto support the :scs command. However, this still displays the cscope info in a full window, blocking out my code. When I exit the cscope interface, I return to two split screens.

Any help on how to craft a command in gVim 7.3 that will launch cscope in a split window?


1 回答 1


scscope find c foo做它应该做的事情:显示foo在命令行中调用的函数列表,并在水平拆分中打开选择的函数。



cscope 在行动(默认)

也就是说,您可以使用 quickfix 窗口而不是命令行来显示列表,请参阅:help cscope-options.

cscope 在行动(快速修复)

于 2013-06-08T05:57:23.687 回答