在这个简单的 html 页面中,我有一个 JavaScript 可以在用户选择运输方式时进行计算,问题是在 $_POST 之后计算不会保持不变,即使由于我添加的简单 PHP 代码用户选择保持不变,我对 PHP 和 JavaScripts 都是全新的,在几次失败后,我想你们可以帮助我,谢谢。

<div class="calculations">

        <td id="subtotal">$97.00</td>

        <td id="shipping">$6.95</td>

    <tr class="total">
        <td id="total">$103.95</td>

<select name="shippingmethod" onchange="calc()" class="shipping-method" id="shippingmethod">
<option value="" selected="<?php if (!$_POST || $shippingmethod == '0') {echo 'selected';} ?>">USPS Ground - $6.95</option>
<option value="1" <?php if ($_POST && $shippingmethod == '1') {echo 'selected';}?>>Priority Shipping - $17.95</option>

function calc() {
var subtotal =parseFloat(document.getElementById("subtotal").innerHTML.substring(1));
var shipping = parseInt(document.getElementById("shippingmethod").value);
if(shipping == 1) {
    var total = subtotal+17.95;
    document.getElementById("shipping").innerHTML = "$"+17.95;

} else {
    var total = subtotal+6.95;
    document.getElementById("shipping").innerHTML = "$"+6.95;
document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = "$"+total;
document.getElementById("shippingmethod").onchange = function(){
    window.scrollTo(0, 0); // scroll to top
    calc(); // call function

2 回答 2


calc()仅当表单更改时才会运行您的页面更新。向您的正文标签添加一个onload事件,您的 calc 函数将在页面加载时运行,或者执行计算服务器端并返回正确的值。

<body onload='calc()'>
于 2013-06-07T17:22:32.397 回答

我在您的代码中修复了几个问题,如下所示。最大的问题之一是在您更改 select 语句之前不会计算您的 javascript,因此我将其添加calc()到脚本的底部,以便立即重新计算。

    // Get the posted shipping method or default to 0
    $shippingMethod = isset($_POST['shippingmethod']) ? (int)$_POST['shippingmethod'] : 0;

<!--- your code -->

<select id="shippingmethod" name="shippingmethod" class="shipping-method">
    <option data-cost="6.95" value="0" <?php if ($shippingMethod == 0) echo 'selected="selected"' ?>>USPS Ground - $6.95</option>
    <option data-cost="17.95" value="1" <?php if ($shippingMethod == 1) echo 'selected="selected"' ?>>Priority Shipping - $17.95</option>

    // Store some of our elements so we don't have to query the DOM more than once
    var shippingSelect = document.getElementById("shippingmethod");
    var subtotalElement = document.getElementById("subtotal");

    function calc() {
        var subtotal = parseFloat(subtotalElement.innerHTML.substring(1));

        // if you notice we are now storing the shipping cost in the DOM elements
        // This makes the code simpler and we don't have hard coded values in your
        // javascript. You now can add any number of shipping method without having
        // to change your javascript
        var shippingCost = parseFloat(shippingSelect.options[shippingSelect.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-cost'));

        document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = "$" + (subtotal + shippingCost);
        document.getElementById("shipping").innerHTML = "$" + shippingCost;

    shippingSelect.onchange = function(){
        window.scrollTo(0, 0); // scroll to top
        calc(); // call function

    // Force the shipping to calculate immediately.

<!--- the rest of your code -->
于 2013-06-07T17:24:36.797 回答