我有 2 个类 ThisWillWorkLayer 和 ThisWillWorkScene
#import "ThisWillWorkLayer.h"
#import "ThisWillWorkScene.h"
@implementation ThisWillWorkLayer
#define kSwipeScale 0.6
-(void) ccTouchMoved: (UITouch *)touch withEvent: (UIEvent *)event {
CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
touchPoint = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:touchPoint];
NSLog(@"Touch at x:%d y:%d",(int)touchPoint.x,(int)touchPoint.y);
[ThisWillWorkScene rotate:touchPoint];
每次滑动时都会执行 ccTouchMoved 函数。我的错误在函数的最后一行。 [ThisWillWorkScene rotate:touchPoint];
它说旋转功能不存在。但是,如果您查看 ThisWillWorkScene 类,它似乎确实如此
#import "CC3Scene.h"
/** A sample application-specific CC3Scene subclass.*/
@interface ThisWillWorkScene : CC3Scene {
CGPoint lastPoint;
CC3Camera* cam;
-(void) rotate: (CGPoint) touchPoint;
@implementation ThisWillWorkScene
#define kSwipeScale 0.6
-(void) rotate: (CGPoint) touchPoint{
//CC3Camera* cam = self.activeCamera;
// Get the direction and length of the movement since the last touch move event, in
// 2D screen coordinates. The 2D rotation axis is perpendicular to this movement.
CGPoint swipe2d = ccpSub(touchPoint, lastPoint);
CGPoint axis2d = ccpPerp(swipe2d);
// Project the 2D axis into a 3D axis by mapping the 2D X & Y screen coords
// to the camera's rightDirection and upDirection, respectively.
CC3Vector axis = CC3VectorAdd(CC3VectorScaleUniform(cam.rightDirection, axis2d.x),
CC3VectorScaleUniform(cam.upDirection, axis2d.y));
GLfloat angle = ccpLength(swipe2d) * kSwipeScale;
// Rotate the cube under direct finger control, by directly rotating by the angle
// and axis determined by the swipe. If the die cube is just to be directly controlled
// by finger movement, and is not to freewheel, this is all we have to do.
CC3MeshNode* helloTxt = (CC3MeshNode*)[self getNodeNamed: @"Hello"];
[helloTxt rotateByAngle: angle aroundAxis: axis];
lastPoint = touchPoint;
所以我的问题是从 ThisWillWorkLayer 中调用旋转函数的正确方法是什么