
for (Object o : objects) {
  for (Function f : functions) {


for (Object o : objects) {
  for (Function f : functions) {
    for (Function g : functions) {




4 回答 4


您不能使用f(g(o))语法,但可以使用 (with a proper interface) f.call(g.call(o))

public interface UnaryFunction<Arg, Ret> {
    Ret call(Arg arg);

示例用法(这与 Java 中的函子一样接近,至少在闭包进入语言之前):

public class Exp implements UnaryFunction<Double, Double> {
    public Double call(Double arg) {
        return Math.exp(arg);


public class MathUnary implements UnaryFunction<Double, Double> {
    private final Method method;

    public MathUnary(String funName) {
        try {
            method = Math.class.getMethod(funName, double.class);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(exc);
        if (method.getReturnType() != double.class)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    public Double call(Double arg) {
        try {
            return (Double) method.invoke(null, arg);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
            throw new AssertionError(exc);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
            throw new AssertionError(exc);



MathUnary[] ops = {
    new MathUnary("sin"), new MathUnary("cos"), new MathUnary("tan")

for (UnaryFunction<Double, Double> op1 : ops) {
    for (UnaryFunction<Double, Double> op2 : ops) {
于 2009-11-09T02:52:12.067 回答


于 2009-11-09T02:56:33.317 回答

Java 并没有真正做仿函数,但是你可以非常接近一个接口。我建议也许尝试这样的事情。

public interface Function {
    Object doWork(Object o);

public class Function1 implements Function {
    public Object doWork(Object o) {


然后在您的代码中,您将创建一个包含 Function1、Function2 ... 对象的数组或列表,并运行一些看起来很像您的代码的东西。

for (Object o : objects) {
      for (Function f : functionList) {


for (Object o : objects) {
      for (Function f : functionList1) {
            for (Function g : functionList2) {
于 2009-11-09T03:03:47.707 回答


如果您希望 F 的行为根据 G 的返回类型而有所不同,那么您只需声明您的 F 执行类似 F 的操作,简单易行。

//=== Function.java

public interface Function<ReturnType, Type> {
    ReturnType doWork(Type arg);

//=== SomethingWeird.java

import java.util.*;

// yo dawg, i heard you liked functions.  so i put a function in yo'
// function, so you can derive while you derive.
public class SomethingWeird {
    public static <FReturnType, FType, GType> List<FReturnType> collateOrSomething(
        Iterable<GType> objects,
        Iterable<Function<FReturnType, FType>> fList,
        Iterable<Function<FType, GType>> gList
    ) {
        List<FReturnType> results = new ArrayList<FReturnType>();
        for (GType garg : objects) {
            for (Function<FReturnType, FType> f : fList) {
                for (Function<FType, GType> g : gList) {
        return results;

//=== SomethingWeirdTest.java

import java.util.*;

import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class SomethingWeirdTest {
    // this is kinda silly, and...
    public static class F1 implements Function<Integer, Double> {
        public Integer doWork(Double arg) {
            return arg.intValue();


    // ...this has all kinds of autoboxing madness, but...
    public static class F2 implements Function<Integer, Double> {
        public Integer doWork(Double arg) {
            double ceil = Math.ceil(arg);
            return (int) ceil;

    // ...why you'd want to do something like this is quite beyond me...
    public static class G1 implements Function<Double, String> {
        public Double doWork(String arg) {
            return Math.PI * arg.length();

    // ...ditto this...
    public static class G2 implements Function<Double, String> {
        public Double doWork(String arg) {
            return Math.E * arg.length();


    // oh, yeah, it was so we could test this weird thing
    public void testCollateOrSomething() {
        List<String> data = Arrays.asList("x", "xx", "xxx");
        List<Function<Integer, Double>> fList = Arrays.asList(new F1(), new F2());
        List<Function<Double, String>> gList = Arrays.asList(new G1(), new G2());
        List<Integer> results = SomethingWeird.collateOrSomething(data, fList, gList);

        assertEquals(12, results.size());

        // x
        assertEquals(3, (int) results.get(0));
        assertEquals(2, (int) results.get(1));
        assertEquals(4, (int) results.get(2));
        assertEquals(3, (int) results.get(3));

        // xx
        assertEquals(6, (int) results.get(4));
        assertEquals(5, (int) results.get(5));
        assertEquals(7, (int) results.get(6));
        assertEquals(6, (int) results.get(7));

        // xxx
        assertEquals(9, (int) results.get(8));
        assertEquals(8, (int) results.get(9));
        assertEquals(10, (int) results.get(10));
        assertEquals(9, (int) results.get(11));
于 2009-11-09T06:55:49.667 回答