在我的控制器中,有 2 个变量跟踪表的排序状态:

/* sorting */
$scope.sortField = 'code';
$scope.sortDir = 'asc';

在 css 中有 3 个不同的类表示排序状态:

table.table thead .sorting { ...} /*sorting disabled*/
table.table thead .sorting_asc { ... } /*sorting asc*/
table.table thead .sorting_desc { ... } /*sorting desc*/

我想使用 ng-class 表达式来动态更改表格列上的排序图标,这是 html:

    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('code')">Summit code</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('name')">Name</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('height')">Height</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('points')">Points</th>


    <th ng-class="{sorting_asc: (sortField == 'code' && sortDir == 'asc'), sorting_desc: (sortField == 'code' && sortDir == 'desc'), sorting: (sortField != 'code')}"  ng-click="sortBy('code')">Summit code</th>
    <th ng-class="{sorting_asc: (sortField == 'name' && sortDir == 'asc'), sorting_desc: (sortField == 'name' && sortDir == 'desc'), sorting: (sortField != 'name')}" ng-click="sortBy('name')">Name</th>
    <th ng-class="{sorting_asc: (sortField == 'height' && sortDir == 'asc'), sorting_desc: (sortField == 'height' && sortDir == 'desc'), sorting: (sortField != 'height')}" ng-click="sortBy('height')">Height</th>
    <th ng-class="{sorting_asc: (sortField == 'points' && sortDir == 'asc'), sorting_desc: (sortField == 'points' && sortDir == 'desc'), sorting: (sortField != 'points')}" ng-click="sortBy('points')">Points</th>

1 回答 1


您应该将类​​分开,一个用于 .sorting,另一个用于 .asc 和 .desc,例如

.sorting {  /* sorting disabled */ }
.sorting.asc   {   /* put the asc icon, will inherit everything else from sorting */ }
.sorting.desc   {   /* put the desc icon, will inherit everything else from sorting */ }


    <th ng-class="{sorting: (sortField == 'code'), asc: (sortDir == 'asc'), desc: (sortDir == 'desc')}" ng-click="sortBy('code')">Summit code</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('name')">Name</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('height')">Height</th>
    <th ng-class="" ng-click="sortBy('points')">Points</th>
于 2013-06-07T11:26:21.253 回答