作为个人项目的一部分,我开发了一个模板元编程库,它使用 C++11 可变参数模板实现了类型列表。

测试 typelist 操作,例如合并两个 typelist,将 typelist 拆分为两个 typelist,push_back 一个 typelist 中的类型等(并进行非常怪异的编程练习);我已经使用模板元编程实现了快速排序排序算法的编译时版本:


#include "dl32MetaprogrammingLibrary.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/* quicksort sorts lists of unsigned ints */
template<unsigned int... Ns>
using uint_list = dl32TypeList<dl32UintWrapper<Ns>...>;
using empty_uint_list = dl32EmptyTypeList;

/* set of unsigned int comparers */
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct equal           : public dl32BoolWrapper< UINT1::value == UINT2::value > {};
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct not_equal       : public dl32BoolWrapper< UINT1::value != UINT2::value > {};
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct bigger_than     : public dl32BoolWrapper< (UINT1::value > UINT2::value) > {};
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct less_than       : public dl32BoolWrapper< (UINT1::value < UINT2::value) > {};
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct bigger_or_equal : public dl32BoolWrapper< UINT1::value >= UINT2::value > {};
template<typename UINT1, typename UINT2>
struct less_or_equal   : public dl32BoolWrapper< UINT1::value <= UINT2::value > {};

/* Compile-time quicksort implementation */
template<typename UINT_LIST>
class quicksort
    //Forward declaration:
    template<unsigned int lenght , typename SUBLIST>
    struct _quicksort;

    //Base-case for empty sublists:
    template<typename... Ns>
    struct _quicksort<0,dl32TypeList<Ns...>>
        using result = empty_uint_list;

    //Base case for one element sublists:
    template<typename UINT_WRAPPER>
    struct _quicksort<1,dl32TypeList<UINT_WRAPPER>>
        using result = dl32TypeList<UINT_WRAPPER>;

    //Base-case for two elements sublists (Simple compare and swap):
    template<typename FIRST , typename LAST >
    struct _quicksort<2,dl32TypeList<FIRST,LAST>>
        using result = typename dl32tmp_if< bigger_or_equal<FIRST,LAST>::value , //CONDITION
                                            dl32TypeList<FIRST,LAST>,            //THEN
                                            dl32TypeList<LAST,FIRST>             //ELSE

    //Recursive case:
    template<unsigned int lenght , typename... Ns>
    struct _quicksort<lenght,dl32TypeList<Ns...>>
        /* STEP 1: Reorder the sublist in two sublists: Left sublist, with elements greater than pivot, and right, with the others */

        //Forward declaration:
        template<typename PIVOT , typename RIGHT /* initial (or actual) right sublist */ , typename LEFT /* initial (or actual) left sublist */ , typename _UINT_LIST /* original sublist */>
        struct _reorder_sublists;

        //Recursive case:
        template<typename PIVOT , typename... RIGHT_UINTS , typename... LEFT_UINTS , typename HEAD , typename... TAIL>
        struct _reorder_sublists<PIVOT,dl32TypeList<RIGHT_UINTS...>,dl32TypeList<LEFT_UINTS...>,dl32TypeList<HEAD,TAIL...>>
            using _next_left  = dl32TypeList<LEFT_UINTS...,HEAD>;  ///< Next left  sublist if HEAD is greather than PIVOT.
            using _next_right = dl32TypeList<HEAD,RIGHT_UINTS...>; ///< Next right sublist if HEAD is less than PIVOT.
            //                                                    CONDITION                  THEN                    ELSE
            using next_left  = typename dl32tmp_if< !bigger_or_equal<PIVOT,HEAD>::value , _next_left  , dl32TypeList<LEFT_UINTS...>>::type;
            using next_right = typename dl32tmp_if<  bigger_or_equal<PIVOT,HEAD>::value , _next_right , dl32TypeList<RIGHT_UINTS...>>::type;

            using next_reorder = _reorder_sublists<PIVOT,next_right,next_left,dl32TypeList<TAIL...>>; // "Recursive call" (Iteration)

            using right = typename next_reorder::right; //Recursive result return
            using left  = typename next_reorder::left;  //Recursive result return

        //Base case (End of the iteration):
        template<typename PIVOT , typename RIGHT , typename LEFT>
        struct _reorder_sublists<PIVOT,RIGHT,LEFT,empty_uint_list>
            using right = RIGHT;
            using left  = LEFT;

        template<typename PIVOT>
        using _right_sublist = typename _reorder_sublists<PIVOT,empty_uint_list,empty_uint_list,dl32TypeList<Ns...>>::right; //Right sublist computation
        template<typename PIVOT>
        using _left_sublist  = typename _reorder_sublists<PIVOT,empty_uint_list,empty_uint_list,dl32TypeList<Ns...>>::left;  //Left sublist computation

        static const unsigned int _half_size   = lenght/2;
        static const unsigned int _pivot_index = _half_size; //"Silly" pivot policy. Random-pivot instead? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11498304/generate-random-numbers-in-c-at-compile-time
        using _pivot = typename dl32TypeAt<_pivot_index,dl32TypeList<Ns...>>::type;

        using _right = _right_sublist<_pivot>; //"Call" to reordered right sublist computation
        using _left  = _left_sublist<_pivot>;  //"Call" to reordered left sublist computation

        /* STEP 2: Recursive "call" to quicksort passing the two generated sublists */

        using result = typename dl32Merge< typename _quicksort< _left::size , _left >::result , typename _quicksort< _right::size , _right >::result >::result;

    using result = typename _quicksort<UINT_LIST::size,UINT_LIST>::result; //"Call" to quicksort computation;

/* input/output printing tools */

template<typename OUTPUT>
struct print_output;

struct print_output<empty_uint_list>{ static void print() { cout << endl << endl; } };

template<typename HEAD , typename... TAIL>
struct print_output<dl32TypeList<HEAD,TAIL...>>
    static void print() 
        cout << HEAD::value << (sizeof...(TAIL) > 0 ? "," : ""); 

/* unsigned int lists generator */

template<unsigned int BEGIN , unsigned int END>
class uint_list_generator
    template<unsigned int _CURRENT,unsigned int _END>
    struct _generator
        using result = typename dl32Merge<uint_list<_CURRENT>,typename _generator<(BEGIN <= END ? _CURRENT + 1 : _CURRENT - 1) , _END>::result>::result;

    template<unsigned int _END>
    struct _generator<_END,_END>
        using result = uint_list<_END>;

    using result  = typename _generator<BEGIN,END>::result;

using input  = typename uint_list_generator<0,499>::result;
using output = typename quicksort<input>::result;

int main()

    return 0;

该算法完美运行(在编译器吃掉 4GB 的 RAM 后,浪费两分钟编译一个 500 个元素列表的执行......)。


问题是该算法使用无符号 int 包装器列表作为数据(参见代码开头的“uint_list”声明),并且比较器期望 uint 包装器作为参数。所以我不能通过快速排序模板传递“通用”比较器。


1 回答 1


What about a template template parameter:

template <typename UINT_LIST,
          template <typename UINT1, typename UINT2> class compare = less_than>
class quicksort
   using result = typename dl32tmp_if<compare<FIRST,LAST>::value, ...
using output = typename quicksort<input, bigger_than>::result;

Besides, with such signature, you are not restricted to unsigned int-s at all.

Other than that, sometimes it may be useful to use a wrapper class hiding the template inside to mimic a template typedef.

于 2013-06-07T11:32:14.560 回答