I have been trying to build a WPF application using REST API for searching. I have been able to get the item searched in a particular list but I want it to be searched in the entire site. And I want to display everything related to that search item (like discussions, URLs, description etc). I have 2 questions w.r.t. this::

1) How to search in the entire site for a particular item?

2) How do I display the search results obtained in a clear readable manner? Which WPF control should be used for the purpose?


1 回答 1

  1. 要查找搜索结果,您必须在中央管理员中为该站点配置搜索爬虫。更新站点中的所有项目后,只需设置爬虫即可。现在您可以搜索项目。假设如果您更新共享点中的任何项目,然后再次运行该爬虫。所以所有更新的值也来自共享点搜索。
  2. 您必须使用搜索 API 为 WPF 控件执行编程方法。在此之后,在搜索控件图标的 Sharepoint 设计器中,您必须将重定向 url 更改为您的控件包含所需参数的页面。如果您离开 WPF 控件,则可以编辑 xslt 以使搜索结果以更清晰的方式显示。找到此链接
于 2013-06-07T11:19:32.223 回答