I want to use nusoap library in applications using laravel 4. I have an update on the composer with NoiselabsNuSOAP :
And I have followed the user manual
My code :
public function CallSOAP()
$client = new \nusoap_client('http://mywebsite/services/VcareServices.php', true);
$response = $client->call('validateLogin', array('EMAIL'=>'bertho_joris@yahoo.co.id', 'PASSWORD'=>'3b774f5aae6b97a060864f8310hg6785'));
return $response;
But I get an error message :
UnexpectedValueException The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), "boolean" given.
My question:
- Is this library I can use for my laravel application?
- How do I use to use it?