1: I use achartengine to draw a line chart. Since i receive constantly data i want the chart scroll automatically to the right. My Problem is now, that the chart only scrolls when i touch the display of my phone(Android 2.3). Chart is running in extra thread and gets repaint() every ~100 ms.

2: How do i limit the collected data points. Is there an option to save the last 100 points and delete the older values? Currently my app saves all data points and gets slower and slower.

Best regards.


1 回答 1

  1. renderer.setXAxisMin()您可以使用:和动态设置可见图表区域renderer.setXAxisMax()。调用repaint()这些方法后调用。

  2. 使用与上述相同的 API,您可以控制要显示的数据。之后,您可以从系列中删除数据。

于 2013-06-07T08:41:42.910 回答