I have a few specifications that test code performing culture-aware conversions. I want to set a defined culture for my tests so that I can hard-code the expected values without having to worry about the configured culture of the system running the tests.

Is there a simple way to do this with Machine.Specifications or do I have to set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture (and possibly CurrentUICulture as well)?


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MSpec doesn't have any built-in facilities for changing the Thread's culture. However, it has several general methods for doing "something" before and after a test.

The "easy" way is to just use the Establish and Cleanup delegates.

[Subject("Culture Sensitive Tests")]
public class When_doing_culture_sensitive_stuff
    Establish context = () =>
        OldCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = NewCulture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = NewCulture;

    Cleanup cleanup = () => 
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = OldCulture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = OldCulture;

    Because of = () => Subject.DoSomethingCultureSensitive();

    It should_do_something_culture_sensitive = () => ...;

    private static CultureInfo OldCulture;
    private static CultureInfo NewCulture;

But, you'd need to share that in every test that requires it. So, I recommend a helper class that does the switching.

public class ChangeCurrentCulture : IDisposable
    private readonly CultureInfo original;

    public ChangeCurrentCulture(CultureInfo culture)
        original = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

    private void Change(CultureInfo culture)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;

    public void Dispose()

And you can setup the call in a shared base class. The delegates get chained when you run the specs.

public abstract class CultureSensitive
    Establish context = () =>
        Change = new ChangeCurrentCulture(NewCulture);

    Cleanup cleanup = () => 

    private static ChangeCurrentCulture Change;
    private static CultureInfo NewCulture;

[Subject("Culture Sensitive Tests")]
public class When_doing_culture_sensitive_stuff : CultureSensitive
    Because of = () => Subject.DoSomethingCultureSensitive();

    It should_do_something_culture_sensitive = () => ...;

Another option depends on you separating all of the culture sensitive tests into a separate assembly. The IAssemblyContext interface gives you two assembly-wide setup and cleanup methods. You could change the culture for all the specs in that assembly (don't worry about cleanup).

public class CultureSensitiveTests : IAssemblyContext
    public void OnAssemblyStart()
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = NewCulture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = NewCulture;

    public void OnAssemblyComplete()
于 2013-06-07T16:21:24.220 回答