matchShapes用来识别一些基本轮廓。但是,无论我比较什么轮廓,它都返回 0...


圆圈 叉 在此处输入图像描述




using std::vector;
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;

findContours(binary, contours, hierarchy,

drawContours(binary, contours, -1, Scalar(255, 255, 255));

if (!contours.size()) // avoid sigsegv

for (int idx = 0; idx >= 0; idx = hierarchy[idx][0]) {
    double bestMatch = INFINITY;
    int bestI = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < knownContours.size(); i++) {
        vector<Point>& a = knownContours[i].contour;
        vector<Point>& b = contours[idx];
        std::cout << "a.size = " << a.size() << ", b.size = " << b.size() << std::endl;
        double match = matchShapes(b, a, CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1, 0);
        std::cout << "idx=" << idx << " ? " << knownContours[i].name << " = " << match << std::endl;
        if (bestI == -1 || match < bestMatch) {
            bestI = i;
            bestMatch = match;

knownContours显然是用模板图像数据初始化的:imread(),然后findContours(),最后this->contour = contours[0])。


-- new frame
a.size = 57, b.size = 74
idx=0 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 74
idx=0 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 74
idx=0 ? triangle = 0
a.size = 57, b.size = 60
idx=1 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 60
idx=1 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 60
idx=1 ? triangle = 0

-- new frame
a.size = 57, b.size = 75
idx=0 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 75
idx=0 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 75
idx=0 ? triangle = 0
a.size = 57, b.size = 57
idx=1 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 57
idx=1 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 57
idx=1 ? triangle = 0

-- new frame
a.size = 57, b.size = 76
idx=0 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 76
idx=0 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 76
idx=0 ? triangle = 0
a.size = 57, b.size = 51
idx=1 ? circle = 0
a.size = 80, b.size = 51
idx=1 ? cross = 0
a.size = 45, b.size = 51
idx=1 ? triangle = 0

所以比较轮廓的大小不同(所以轮廓不同),但match == 0总是如此。这里发生了什么?

编辑: OpenCV 版本是 2.4.9(昨天克隆和构建)。


1 回答 1


The problem is related to a bug in OpenCV 2.4.9.

On 2.4.5 (stable) this works fine.

See this post on OpenCV Answers.

于 2013-06-07T17:36:53.337 回答