I am trying to automate our build process. Until now I was able to create the code packages using CruiseControl.net, nAnt and MSBuild. But I am completely stuck when it comes to database comparing. I want to compare the development database to our QA database and create a script with the changes. I currently use the VS2010 database project and I could compare them manually. Is there any way I can make this comparison automatic? If I deploy my project, I get an .sql file generated using the dev database, but it is the whole database. I would like to have the differences between dev and qa only.

Is there any way to perform this approach? Any tool that allow me to compare the schema and run it from msbuild or the command line.



2 回答 2


I've had a lot of luck with RedGate's SQLCompare product, and it comes with an SDK.


于 2013-06-06T20:20:10.053 回答

You can use xSQL Software's SQL Schema Compare command line utility to automate the process with very little effort. And, the tool is free for SQL Server Express.

于 2013-12-06T17:38:10.167 回答