I'm attempting to install Bugzilla on a server with a MySQL database on it already. The database is on E: (for space) and Bugzilla is on C:. Currently Bugzilla does not have a database associated with it, and the perl checksetup script looks for a drive local database.

How can I attempt to get bugzilla to target the database on my other drive? Is there a line I can change in the initial scripts to do this?


1 回答 1


您在文件中告诉 Bugzilla 如何连接到数据库服务器localconfig

$db_driver = mysql
# The DNS name of the host that the database server runs on.
$db_host = localhost

我相信使用 MySQL,您也可以通过本地套接字直接连接。请务必按照 Bugzilla 安装说明设置数据库、数据库用户和密码以供连接使用。这些表将由 Bugzilla 的设置脚本自动设置。

于 2013-06-06T18:57:13.477 回答