来自 PHP 我不习惯分配或返回特定类型,因为 PHP 真的不在乎。但是回到 Java 和 C# 的世界,这些语言确实很在意,当你说给我这个类型时,它期望那个类型。那么我做错了什么以及如何将其创建为SPList类型


    protected void createNewList(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
        Dictionary<string, List<AddParams>> param = new Dictionary<string, List<AddParams>>();

        // Create the keys
        param.Add("Name", new List<AddParams>());
        param.Add("Type", new List<AddParams>());
        param.Add("Description", new List<AddParams>());

        // Set the values
        param["Name"].Add(new AddParams { type = SPFieldType.Text, required = true });
        param["Type"].Add(new AddParams { type = SPFieldType.Text, required = true });
        param["Description"].Add(new AddParams { type = SPFieldType.Text, required = true });

        // Create the really simple List.
        new SPAPI.Lists.Create(properties, param, "Fake List", "Sample Description", SPListTemplateType.GenericList, "Sample View Description");

这将为您创建一个列表,即激活 Web 部件后的 SharePoint 2010 列表。这个名字是假列表,我们看到我们传入了一些列及其受尊重的参数。让我们看看这个SPAPI.Lists.Create方法:

    public Create(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, Dictionary<string, List<AddParams>> columns, 
        string name, string description, SPListTemplateType type, string viewDescription)

        SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
        if (siteCollection != null)
            SPWeb web = siteCollection.RootWeb;
            Guid Listid = web.Lists.Add(name, description, type);

            // Add the new list and the new content.
            SPList spList = web.Lists[name];
            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<AddParams>> col in columns){
                spList.Fields.Add(col.Key, col.Value[0].type, col.Value[0].required);


            //Create the view? - Possibly remove me.
            System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection stringCollection =
                new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<AddParams>> col in columns)

            //Add the list.
            spList.Views.Add(viewDescription, stringCollection, @"", 100,
                true, true, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewCollection.SPViewType.Html, false);

我们可以看到这里所做的只是创建一个用于 Sharepoint 的 SPList 对象。部署后,我们有一个可以添加到页面的新列表。所以有什么问题?

那么在 Php 中,我可以将它传递createNewList(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)给一个请求 SPList 类型对象的函数,它会起作用(除非我缺少某些东西 >.>) 就像这样,不,那不是 SPList 消失。


我必须更改什么才能创建列表并返回 SPLIst 对象?是不是很简单return new SPAPI.Lists.Create(properties, param, "Fake List", "Sample Description", SPListTemplateType.GenericList, "Sample View Description");



将方法签名转换为 SPList 并返回return new ....不起作用。


1 回答 1


您需要从两种方法中返回一个 SPList:

protected SPList createNewList(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    //Do the stuff

    SPList result = new SPAPI.Lists.Create(properties, param, "Fake List", "Sample Description", SPListTemplateType.GenericList, "Sample View Description");
    return result;

public SPList Create(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, Dictionary<string, List<AddParams>> columns, 
    string name, string description, SPListTemplateType type, string viewDescription)
    // Do the stuff

    return spList;
于 2013-06-06T17:48:39.850 回答