verify(spiedObject, didReturn(true)).doSomething();
要验证它被调用的次数,请使用verify(spiedObject, times(x)).doSomething()
我正在为您想要验证SpyBean方法返回的测试提供一个模板。该模板正在使用 Spring Boot。
public class Test extends SpringBaseTest
<replace_ClassToSpyOn> <replace_classToSpyOn>;
<replace_ClassUnderTest> <replace_classUnderTest>;
// You might be explicit when instantiating your class under test.
// @Before
// public void setUp()
// {
// <replace_classUnderTest> = new <replace_ClassUnderTest>(param_1, param_2, param_3);
// }
public static class ResultCaptor<T> implements Answer
private T result = null;
public T getResult() {
return result;
public T answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
result = (T) invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
return result;
public void test_name()
// Given
String expString = "String that the SpyBean should return.";
// Replace the type in the ResultCaptor bellow from String to whatever your method returns.
final Test.ResultCaptor<String> resultCaptor = new Test.ResultCaptor<>();
doAnswer(resultCaptor).when(<replace_classToSpyOn>).<replace_methodOnSpyBean>(param_1, param_2);
// When
<replace_classUnderTest>.<replace_methodUnderTest>(param_1, param_2);
// Then
Assert.assertEquals("Error message when values don't match.", expString, resultCaptor.getResult());
现在这已经不碍事了。在某些情况下,您需要验证您的 SpyBean 是否正在返回结果值。例如,在您的测试方法中有两个内部方法调用会产生相同的值。两者都被调用,但只有其中一个产生了想要的结果。