I am trying to fetch data from a website which is in Hungarian language. This site also has some UTF-8 characters i.e. ő. So when i scrap the data from website, it changes special characters into some unknown characters. I need to get the data in same hungarian language. Right now i am using gargoylesoftware.htmlunit jar file to scrap the data. Please tell me how can i achieve this by using any specific method or do i need some other jar files? Here's a piece of code i am using.

 HtmlElement doctorInstitutionTitlePhone =  page.getFirstByXPath(".//*[@id='orvosok_kartyajinak_helye']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/div[3]");
 String sDITP = doctorInstitutionTitlePhone.asText();

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