首先,我需要说我在 StackOverFlow 中看到了一个关于这个问题的问题,其中有很多单词生成器的答案可以做到这一点(在不同的语言上),但是请不要将其标记为重复或不评论我的问题只是为了引用我的链接,因为我已经测试了该问题的所有 C# 和 VBNET 代码,但实际上没有一个能按预期 100% 工作,请参阅我需要的组合:
例如,如果我有 "a"、"b" 和 "c" 字符,并且我想在长度为 "3" 的字符串中生成这些字符的所有组合,那么这就是我期望的结果:
' Expected result, 27 combinations:
' aaa
' aab
' aac
' aba
' abb
' abc
' aca
' acb
' acc
' baa
' bab
' bac
' bba
' bbb
' bbc
' bca
' bcb
' bcc
' caa
' cab
' cac
' cba
' cbb
' cbc
' cca
' ccb
' ccc
这一次我以前用两种语言(Ruby 和 Batch)做过,但是使用嵌套 Fors(很多 Fors 在一起,每个 Fors 只将一个字母附加到另一个用于输出),当然如果我想在 VBNET 中这样做是避免被很多Fors起诉,并以更好的性能方式来做。
在下面的代码中,您可以看到我如何尝试在 RAM 内存(数组)中分配所有组合,而不是将它们写入物理磁盘,因此我想使用逻辑方法并以更好的性能方式编写此代码,然后我想首先将所有组合“保存在内存中”,这也是我不想使用大量 fors (性能)的原因。
Public Class Form1
Dim characters As Char() ' Default value: {"a","b","c"}
Dim StringLength As Int64 ' Default value: 3
Dim TotalCombinations As Int64 ' Default value: 27
Dim strarray(99999999) As String ' Default size: "99.999.999" million of combinations in memory (I need to confirm this from an expert).
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim index As Int64 = 0
For column As Int64 = 0 To TotalCombinations - 1 ' For 0 to 26
For Each character As Char In characters ' Characters = {"a","b","c"}
If column < index Then
index = 0 ' I reset index value 'cause... just experimenting things.
strarray(index) += characters(index)
RichTextBox1.Text += strarray(index) & ControlChars.NewLine
End Try
strarray(index) += characters(index)
RichTextBox1.Text += strarray(index) & ControlChars.NewLine
End Try
End If
index += 1
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
characters = sender.text.ToCharArray ' Result: {"a","b","c"}
Calculate_Combinations() ' Result: 27
End Sub
Private Sub NumericUpDown1_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NumericUpDown1.ValueChanged
StringLength = sender.value ' Result: 3
Calculate_Combinations() ' Result: 27
End Sub
Private Sub Calculate_Combinations()
TotalCombinations = ((characters.LongLength * StringLength) * StringLength) ' Result: 27
Label1.Text = ((characters.LongLength * StringLength) * StringLength) & " number of combinations." ' Result: 27
Catch : End Try
End Sub
End Class