I'm using windows-8 64 bit machine. I installed VisualSVN server 2.5.2 in another machine(windows-7 32 bit), created a repository(MyRepos) and enabled subversion authentication. But I'm not able to connect the repository by using my windows 8 64 bit machine. It showing following error message while trying to get "svn list cmd",

     svn-win32-1.7.5\bin>svn.exe list
     svn: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\config:109: Option expected.

But there is no such subversion folder inside the Roaming folder. Roaming folder is empty. I'm able to connect this repository from another window 7 32 bit machine.

I also installed VisualSVN server in my windows 8 64 bit machine itself and created a repository and enabled the subversion authentication, but not able to connect from my machine itself.

Thanks in advance,


2 回答 2


就我而言,这个答案解决了这个问题。第 109 行提到的配置文件,在 svn 更新后,有人在 3 个连续参数的开头添加了 1 个单个空格。删除空格停止了错误。

于 2014-09-27T00:08:09.783 回答

这是一个客户端问题,看起来是由一些错误配置引起的。作为第一步,我将检查您在运行时是否遇到相同的错误%VISUALSVN_SERVER%bin\svn.exe list。这样您就可以运行与 VisualSVN 服务器捆绑在一起的 svn.exe,而不是.../svn-win32-1.7.5/ 中的那个。

( %APPDATA%)/AppData/Roaming目录不能完全为空 BTW。错误消息表明配置文件%APPDATA%\Subversion\config存在,但第 109 行存在语法错误。如果行意外以空格开头,您会收到错误消息。

于 2013-06-06T14:23:33.633 回答