I have an issue. I have made a custom website using CSS and HTML. I want to allow my client to edit and add posts to the website without any knowledge of HTML or CSS while still giving myself the ability to manage the code. Is there any programs or online tools? I have tried wordpress at (Wordpress.org) and set it up on my website but I was unable to figure out how to use my custom HTML and CSS on the wordpress.


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您可以通过使用默认安装(我认为目前它是“TwentyTwelve 主题”)在 Wordpress 中创建自定义站点,并将您想要自定义的文件复制到子主题目录中 - 命名为您想要的任何内容。

还将默认 CSS 复制到您创建的子主题目录中。Appearance > Themes当您在默认仪表板的菜单中选择您的子主题时,这些文件将取代默认文件。

于 2013-06-05T20:10:06.793 回答