I can't get the return value True|False from a function. What Am I doing wrong?
The script looks roughly like that.
class getLogs:
def __init__(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-S","--sessId", type=int, help="The SessionId of the logs to retreive for.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.sessId:
args.sessId = 'ns'
print ('\tNo sessid was set.')
print ('\tTip: you can see what options you have by running "{} -h"'.format(__file__))
if self.getSessID:
print('\tI will get the logfiles for session ID "{}".'.format(self.sessId))
#Do something else
def getSessID(self, sessId):
if sessId == 'ns':
while menu=='on':
sys.stdout.write("\tPlease give me the sessionid of the logging :")
sessId = raw_input()
test = re.match("^[0-9]{5,7}$",sessId)
if test:
if not test:
print('\tError:\n\tSessionID should contain only numbers')
print('\tor sessID was not defined.')
print('\tor sessID length must be 5 to 7 characters')
self.sessId = sessId
return True
And what I get from this print self.getSessID
and from if self.getSessID
in the constructor function is this <bound method getLogs.getSessID of <__main__.getLogs instance at 0x7f5aa28e1518>>
Im sure I am doing something wrong, I haven't understood how to get the value from the return in a function. Could someone please help me?