I am not a php expert at all.
I am working on a VOIP project and have to open a port range (10000 - 20000) in my virtual box. The issue is that there is no such option to do it all in once. It has to be done one by one using a command line:
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,10001,,10001"
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,10002,,10002"
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,10003,,10003"
and so on till I reach
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,20000,,20000"
Can anybody help me with a php script that will generate a TXT file which will contain
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,10001,,10001"
VBoxManage modifyvm "Elastix 4.0" --natpf1 "guestssh,udp,,20000,,20000"