In the Elmah error log page it shows server variables. However, while it is nice to have this extra info I'd like to turn this off as it displays authorization tokens which are sensitive. Is there way to configure Elmah to turn this feature off so they aren't displayed?


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我认为这样做的唯一方法是创建一个自定义日志查看器。从 Elmah 项目主页:

ErrorLogDataSourceAdapter与 ASP.NET 中的ObjectDataSource一起使用来创建您自己的错误日志自定义视图,几乎完全在服务器端标记中,无需一行代码!

另外,您是否考虑过仅限制查看 Elmah 日志的访问权限?有关详细信息,请参阅保护错误日志页面。

于 2013-06-06T11:49:23.513 回答