First of all, some info about my project:
I have an application that consists of several fragments. (I have one class that extends FragmentActivity and another one that extends FragmentPagerAdapter.) So actually my code is running inside the Fragments.
I call an asynctask inside one of the fragments to do some calculations. The asyncTask is a seperate file and the class is not located inside the Fragment class.
So 1 file is the asynctask and another one the fragmet (variables from the fragment are not accessible direct by the asynctask!!!).
I can display the result of the asyncTask by using ProgressDialog. However I want to be able to return the data (result of the asynctask) back to a variable that I have in my fragment. What I have tried so far is:
- Using get() from asyncatask.execute()
I tried to do it like this:
I used the following code that was called after a button click.
mytask1 = new myAsyncTask(this);
String result =mytask1.execute(value1).get();
However this results in the main thread to get stuck and wait for the asynctask to complete.
2.Using loginSharePreferens
loginPreferences = getActivity().getSharedPreferences("loginPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
loginPrefsEditor = loginPreferences.edit();
loginPrefsEditor.putString("result", result);
This gave me errors.
3.I tried also this
SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext() );
That was similar with the 2nd method.
4.I tried to create a method in my fragment that would just set the value and I tried to call it inside the fragment
MyFrragment1.this.setRestult(1); // is called in the onPostExecute of the asyncTask
public void setRestult(int result){
this.test1=result; ///inside of the fragment
This gave me error: "No enclosing instance of the type MyFragment1 is accessible in scope"
I don't know what else to try. Any ideas ?