Now i know there is some coverage of this topic already but i can't understand it. I'll show you my code and i hope this helps you understand where i'm at.
father = {"Yin": ["yang","yaha"]}
This code works fine.
elif choice == "5":
son = input("Enter the name of a son to get the name of his grandfather: ")
if son in father:
description = father[son]
print("\n", son, "'s grandfather is", description[1])
print("\nSorry, I don't know who that is", son)
This code doesn't, I just want it to be able to change the second item in the list(yaha).
elif choice == "6":
son = input("which grandfather and son pair need updating: ")
if son in father:
description = input("What's name of the grandfather?: ")
son[father] = description[1]
print("\n", son, "has been redefined.")
print("\nThat person doesn't exist! Try adding it.")
Any help would be appreciated.