我可以在指令中的元素上设置 css 属性。但是我无法使用相同的方法检索元素的 css 属性,它只返回一个空字符串。
即: var test = element.css("background-size"); //不起作用!
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
//handler for close button:
//its the first child within the parent element:
$scope.closeBtn = angular.element(element.children()[0]);
//save the background image so we can toggle its visibility:
$scope.backgroundImg = element.css("background","url(../../a0DK0000003XvBYMA0/assets/images/tabbed_panel_bkgd.png) no-repeat") ;//className:
element.css("background-position","0px 35px");
element.css("background-size", "924px 580px");
//above I was able to set css properties, but why can't I retrieve css properties like this??:
var test = element.css("background-size");
TweenLite.to(element, .75, {top:"635px",ease:Power2.easeOut,
$scope.opened = false;
} });
//hander to raise tab panel:
element.bind('click', function() {
TweenLite.to(element, .75, {top:"150px",ease:Power2.easeOut});
$scope.opened = true;