I would appreciate any help you can offer, as I'm at the end of my rope here.

I'm trying to access drive to upload a file. I had this working from another workstation but now when at my primary station I am unable to proceed and keep receiving the same error:

06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691): FileException
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691): com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 403 Forbidden
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691): {
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):   "code": 403,
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):   "errors": [
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):     {
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):       "domain": "usageLimits",
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):       "message": "Access Not Configured",
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):       "reason": "accessNotConfigured"
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):     }
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):   ],
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691):   "message": "Access Not Configured"
06-05 14:15:31.801: E/Error(3691): }

I've followed all the directions listed in https://developers.google.com/drive/ and like I said had this working. I've also deleted the client ID from goodle's API Console. Infact I've scraped the whole project on the console and started over.

I have done so far: * deleted project from api console * enabled Drive SDK and API in console * regenerated client ID in console using SHA1 key from current work station

Is there some issue where I already interacted with google services on another machine? I really am stumped here, any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.



1 回答 1



水力压裂法,没有意识到谷歌 api 控制台中的包名称字段与 AndroidManifest.xml 文件相关联......

 <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="com.name.package"  <--- this is the package name
android:versionName="1.0" >

由 < 标记的地方 - 这是假设进入 google api 控制台客户端 ID 包名称字段的包名称(见图)

google api 包名

于 2013-06-05T15:12:08.780 回答