I have two files same_2 and diff_2 and I plot the data in these files with this command using GNUPlot.

splot "./same_2" with points, "./diff_2" with points

I have the 3D plot. How can I save it, so that I can view it later. I do not want to store it as an image, and that's what I keep getting on search.

Any help appreciated.


1 回答 1


gnu plot 的命令集中有一个选项:set term可用于将输出设置为多种格式,包括 PS、PNG 等。

详细信息在gnuplot 教程中。

有一个帮助系统,如果您help set在 gnuplot 命令行中键入,您将获得更多详细信息。

要为 VRML 或 PovRay 之类的东西添加 3d 输出终端,您需要应用自定义补丁

于 2013-06-05T14:34:21.663 回答