我正在运行 RC-3 并想在没有模型挂钩的情况下设置数组控制器的内容。这是因为我需要添加一些过滤,并且不想在每次转换时都重新加载内容。


App.StockRoute = Em.Route.extend({
  setupController: function(controller) {
    if (controller.get('content') === undefined) {
      controller.set('content', App.Stock.find());

模型钩子的 setupController 中的等效代码是什么?

更新 我已将此作为更完整的描述。

我使用了 todo 应用程序的 ember 指南,并以此为基础。目前我正在构建一个屏幕来管理/查看库存水平。我想要做的是有一个屏幕,我可以在上面切换所有/特价/缺货项目(根据待办事项,每个都有自己的路线),但然后在屏幕上我需要过滤列表,例如按名称或按标签。为了增加一个挑战,我一直在屏幕上显示项目的数量(全部,特价和缺货),基于过滤器(认为名称或标签)而不是切换(认为全部/特价/缺货)


App.StockIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return App.Stock.find();
  setupController: function(controller) {
//    if (controller.get('content') === undefined) {
//      controller.set('content', App.Stock.find());
//    }
    // sync category filter from object outside controller (to match the 3 controllers)
    if (controller.get('category') != App.StockFilter.get('category')) {
      controller.set('category', App.StockFilter.get('category'));
      controller.set('categoryFilter', App.StockFilter.get('category'));
    // a hack so that I can have the relevant toggle filter in the controller
    if (controller.toString().indexOf('StockIndexController') > 0) {
      controller.set('toggleFilter', function(stock) { return true; });

App.StockSpecialsRoute = App.StockIndexRoute.extend({
  setupController: function(controller) {
    controller.set('toggleFilter', function(stock) {
      if (stock.get('onSpecial')) { return true; }

App.StockOutofstockRoute = App.StockIndexRoute.extend({
  setupController: function(controller) {
    controller.set('toggleFilter', function(stock) {
      if (stock.get('quantity') === 0) { return true; }



App.StockIndexController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
  categoryFilter: undefined,
  specialCount: function() {
    return this.get('content').filterProperty('onSpecial', true).get('length');
  outofstockCount: function() {
    return this.get('content').filterProperty('quantity', 0).get('length');
  totalCount: function() {
    return this.get('content').get('length');
  // this is a content proxy which holds the items displayed. We need this, since the 
  // numbering calculated above is based on all filtered tiems before toggles are added
  items: function() {
    Em.debug("Updating items based on toggled state");
    var items = this.get('content');
    if (this.get('toggleFilter') !== undefined) {
      items = this.get('content').filter(this.get('toggleFilter'));
    return items;
  }.property('toggleFilter', '@each'),
  updateContent: function() {
    Em.debug("Updating content based on category filter");
    if (this.get('content').get('length') < 1) {
    //TODO add filter
    this.set('content', content);
    // wrap this in a then to make sure data is loaded
    Em.debug("Got all categories, lets filter the items");
  setCategoryFilter: function() {
    this.set('categoryFilter', this.get('category'));
    App.StockFilter.set('category', this.get('category'));

// notice both these controllers inherit the above controller exactly
App.StockSpecialsController = App.StockIndexController.extend({});
App.StockOutofstockController = App.StockIndexController.extend({});

你有它。它相当复杂,也许是因为我不确定如何在 ember 中正确执行此操作。我认为,我有一个基于 url 的切换和一个适用于这 3 条路线的过滤器,这一事实使这变得非常复杂。



1 回答 1


Have you tried to seed your filter with some data?

App.Stock.filter { page: 1 }, (data) -> data

That should grab the materialized models from the store, and prevent making any more calls to the server.

于 2013-06-06T13:37:15.620 回答