我在 java 独立应用程序中嵌入了一个 Grizzly 服务器。我正在使用 Jersey 来使用 REST 调用来提供一些资源。虽然这在我在 Eclipse 中运行/调试时完美运行,但在尝试使用 Export -> Runnable JAR 创建 JAR 时,我一直收到以下错误:

严重:ResourceConfig 实例不包含任何根资源类。


 * Constructor
public RestServer(){
    //set up default initParams
    initParams.put( "com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages", packageName);
    initParams.put( "com.sun.jersey.api.json.POJOMappingFeature", Boolean.toString(jsonParsing));

 * Starts the Grizzly Server thread
 * @return  TRUE if start was correct
public boolean startGrizzly(){
    if (grizzlyRunning){
        Logger.error(DEBUG_TAG, "Grizzly Server is already running");
        return false;
        String hostString = host;
        String portString = Integer.toString(port);
        String server = "http://" + hostString + ":" + portString + "/";
        try {
            selector = GrizzlyWebContainerFactory.create( server, initParams );
            grizzlyRunning = true;
            return true;
        catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) {
            Logger.error(DEBUG_TAG, "There was an error trying to start the Grizzly Server. Reason is " + e.getMessage());
            grizzlyRunning = false;
            return false;


 * Stops the Grizzly Server thread
 * @return  TRUE if stop was correct
public boolean stopGrizzly(){
    if (grizzlyRunning){
        grizzlyRunning = false;
        return true;
        Logger.error(DEBUG_TAG, "Grizzly is not running. Cannot stop it");
        return false;

包名称包含我的其他具有 REST 资源的类的路径,在本例中为“com.mareculum.model”。也就是说,这是服务的类:

package com.mareculum.model;

public class RestResources {

     * Debugging tag
    private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "RestResources";

     * Gets the JSON collection of data from itsaseusbuoys 
     * @return The JSON array containing the data from itsaseus buoys 
    public ItsaseusDataEntity [] getItsaseusDataRaw() {
        Vector<ItsaseusDataEntity> ret = getItsaseusBuoysData();
        if (ret != null){
            return (ItsaseusDataEntity[]) ret.toArray();
            return null;

     * Gets the JSON collection of data from itsaseusbuoys 
     * @return The JSON array containing the data from itsaseus buoys 
    public ItsaseusFusionTableRow [] getItsaseusDataEntity() {
        ArrayList<ItsaseusFusionTableRow> data = getDataFromItsaseusTable(); 
        ItsaseusFusionTableRow [] retArray = new ItsaseusFusionTableRow[]{};
        if (data != null){
            retArray = data.toArray(new ItsaseusFusionTableRow[data.size()]);
            return retArray;
            return null;

     * Gets the JSON data from NOAA 
     * @return The JSON object containing data from NOAA buoy 
    public BuoyRSSData [] getNoaaDataEntity() {
        ArrayList<BuoyRSSData> data = getDataFromNoaaTable(); 
        BuoyRSSData [] retArray = new BuoyRSSData[]{};
        if (data != null){
                retArray = data.toArray(new BuoyRSSData[data.size()]);
                return retArray;
            return null;

如您所见,这里没有什么复杂的。在我看来,它与如何打包 JAR 文件更相关,因此泽西岛知道在哪里看……我尝试了这里的建议: https ://groups.google.com/d/msg/neo4j/0dNqGXvEbNg/xaNlRiU1cHMJ但是它似乎不起作用......

更新:我设法通过创建具有典型任务的手工制作的 ANT 文件来解决这个问题:清理、构建、jar 等......我不能真正说出我的 ANT 的具体点是什么来解决这个问题......但确实如此。如果您碰巧遇到同样的问题,您可以在此处下载并重复使用它,前提是您相应地更改它以适合您的项目。


1 回答 1


没有您的 web.xml 很难说,但请检查以下内容:


com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages doesn’t exist in your web.xml.
com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages included a resource that doesn’t include any jersey services.
于 2013-06-05T11:24:05.640 回答