I'm using Google CSE API. But I face the usage limit on every single day. I try to use my other account key and CSE key. But still, my application won't work when it reaches the usage-limit-a-day thing.

My question is: 1. What do I do to fix this? 2. How many requests exactly are there in Google CSE API? It said in the documentation that there was allowed 100 requests a day, but I have actually run my application for about just 10 times, and the usage limit stands in the way.



1 回答 1

  1. 您需要在您的云控制台帐户上启用计费。一旦超过 100/d 的免费限制,您将为每 1000 个查询支付 5 美元。

  2. 免费限制是 100/d - 是的,这非常小,对于大多数用例来说还不够。我不知道为什么你只会得到10 / d。

CSE 提供了很好的数据(以我最近的有限经验),但它很昂贵。还可以考虑 Bing 和 Yahoo 搜索产品。

于 2014-03-21T21:01:58.750 回答