i generate my app with rails new app and then i go to the home directory of my app like this : cd app, and i create a .rvmrc file to specify the gemset to use with this project and there will go all my gems instead of default gemset created by rvm.

but the first time when i create my app, and before creating my gemset (with .rvmrc file ) for this project, rails run automatically bundle install wich means that all gems installed by rails command are in default gemset !!!

i find this confusing , can someone explain that to me please


2 回答 2


如果需要,您可以在创建 rails 应用程序之前创建 gemset:

rvm gemset create new_gemset_name

然后在使用 rails 创建应用程序之前,运行:

rvm use @new_gemset_name

这样,当您运行“rails create”时,gem 将安装在您刚刚创建的新 gemset 中。之后,您可以创建一个 .rvmrc 文件

于 2013-06-05T04:03:09.223 回答



到您的~/.railsrc文件,您将编辑 Gemfile 并bundle install手动运行。

于 2015-08-30T18:53:10.077 回答