Sub AppendTextBox([any textbox in my form], text As String)
[code that appends the text parameter to the textbox]
End Sub
Private Sub AAA(A)
A.Value = "Desired text"
End Sub
Private Sub AAA(A)
A.Value = A.Value & vbnewline & "Desired text"
End Sub
嗨 Zephram 你有没有找到解决方案?我有一个,但有点重,因为它使用循环。如果你有更好的告诉我。
Private Function change_TextBox2(altera As String, textbox As ctl, valor As Variant)
Dim ctl As Control
If altera = "Popula" Then
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
With ctl
If (InStr(.Name, textbox)) > 0 Then
.Value = valor
End If
End With
Next ctl
ElseIf altera = "hide" Then
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
With ctl
If (InStr(.Name, textbox)) > 0 Then
.Visible = False
End If
End With
Next ctl
End If
End Function
dim appendTxt as String: appendTxt = "appended text"
dim ws as Worksheet: for each ws in ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
dim shape as Shape: for each shape in ws.Shapes
if shape.Type = msoTextBox then
'you can move this code parameterized to a separate function then as req by OP:
with shape.TextEffect: .Text = .Text & appendTxt
end if
next shape
next ws