I have a lift code that render an HTML table with some cells with editable content.
For editing I'm using editinplace.js
<script src="/js/jquery.editinplace.js"></script>
I set the editable
attribute in lift rendering the table:
def renderTable(columns: List[(String,List[Model])]) = {
{val entityCountMax = columns.maxBy(_._2.size)
for(i <- 0 until entityCountMax._2.size) yield {
<table style="font-size:80%; float: left; margin-left: 30px; width: auto;" class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
<tr>{ <th> { prettifyClassName(entityCountMax._2(i))} </th> % Attribute(None, "colspan", Text((columns.size+1).toString), Null)}</tr>
{for((key,value) <- entityCountMax._2(i).fields) yield {
<th style="text-align: right;">{key}</th>
{for(j <- 0 until columns.size) yield {
}catch { case e:Exception => ""}
}</td> % Attribute(None, "class", Text({ if(columns(j)._1 contains "DB") "editable" else "" }), Null)
}} ++
$('.editable').editInPlace({ callback: function(unused, enteredText){
$(this).css('color','red'); return enteredText;},
default_text: ''
Don't look too much at rendering function above, it's working fine and I can edit the wanted cells with no problems. Edited cells are colored in red.
What I want to do now is to get the content of edited cells and return it to my scala application but I have no idea how to do it.
What I was thinking to do is to build a DIY lift CRUD for my model. The problem is that this way (I'm guessing) I have to make an html page to edit every cells one-by-one but I don't like this solution very much.
So here comes the real question:
Is it possible to directly map the html table with my data structure in scala? And If it is, how can I do it?