I am trying to deploy a simple sample website on Google App Engine . I am using Ubuntu 12.10.

However,I am having a problem when I try to upload using the appcfg.py file. I am getting the following error

ERROR appcfg.py:2152 An error occurred processing file '':<urlopen error [Errno 110]      Connection timed out>. Aborting. 

Upon Googling this and sever other stackoverflow posts, the suggested solution was that urllib is not opening the requested url probably due to a proxy server which is not allowing the requested connection. So they had asked me to give the correct proxy settings (like using export http_proxy ,https_proxy.)

But the problem is that I am not behind any proxy server, I am directly connecting to the internet via my ethernet connection. I checked all the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy in ~/.bashrc ,/etc/environment, /etc/bash.bashrc to check for incorrect proxy settings ,but all those variables are not set to anything (and they neednt be set to anything since I am not behind any proxy server)

I am still getting the error , can anyone please help me out on this ? Why am I not able to upload my sample site using appcfg.py?


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